Social Media for Shopping Centers

Aug 4, 2021

Social Media & Digital Marketing for Shopping Centers, Malls, and Mixed Use Developments

In a digital-first world where tech is dominant, businesses must be able to make their presence known online. No industry is exempted, not even brick-and-mortar retail destinations like a shopping mall. Staying relevant means getting in tune with the current trends of the modern-day, and in this era, that means being online and active on social media.

Social media platforms are more than just sites where people can connect, post updates about their lives, and browse content. In the information age, social media has become a vital platform for business marketing. In fact, statistics show that 71% of consumer buying decisions are heavily impacted and influenced by social media.

So for a shopping center business like yours, it‘s vital to utilize and maximize your presence in the digital space — to be where your customers are looking. It’s high time to start making an effort to tap into social media marketing for shopping centers.  

Placewise has the solution! Aiming to make your business future-proof, we offer services on social media and digital advertising as part of our CDP solution for shopping centers that can help you integrate into the digital age, enhance customer experience, boost loyalty and retention, and ultimately, increase your revenue.

How Social Media Benefits Shopping Malls

Shopping malls are facing intense competition from retail stores and e-commerce shops that have fostered a digital presence. And your ability to keep up with the digital-first landscape can either make or break your business!

But don’t lose hope! Social media has presented a big opportunity for retail shops and malls to make their presence known online and keep customers coming back for more. Through social media advertising, you can reap a plethora of advantages to expand your reach and boost your bottom line.

Interact with Your Shoppers

Consumers see hundreds of ads every day, but only a few really act on them. Advertising is not like it was before. Now, people are more informed and hence, more careful about how they view and become influenced by ads. Today, social media marketing for shopping centers focuses on customer experiences and building lasting relationships with consumers.

Through our social media marketing services, you can access the opportunity to engage and interact with your valuable customers. By expanding your reach and implementing targeted campaigns that suit the personas of your different market groups, you can foster better relationships and turn visitors into advocates of your shopping mall.

Promote Brand Awareness & Experience

Gone are the days when customers would get in their cars, go to the mall, look around, and make a decision on the spot. Because of the influx of information brought about by the Internet, people have begun their search for products and services online. And herein  lies the importance of ensuring that you are present where they’re looking!

Brand awareness is a vital part of your marketing efforts and social media is the place to be to achieve it. The right social media and digital advertising efforts can boost your presence online, create an avenue for you to communicate and engage with target customers, and spread the word about your shopping mall.

Create Personalized Ads Based on Interests

Advertising efforts “in” shopping malls is comprised for the most part of a mix of digital signage, posters, floorgraphics, and ads on LED directories and kiosksads. While these have proven effective in the past, it’s lacking an essential component that the marketing world of today believes is vital — personalization.

Especially in shopping malls where people of all ages, backgrounds, and classes visit, ads that don’t cater to the needs and personas of specific audiences won’t convert. It has become increasingly important to relay information and value that people want to hear, depending on their unique needs, preferences, and demographics.

Placewise’s social media marketing services can help you generate targeted ads and content based on the profiles of your customers. By gathering data that will help you understand your audience better, you can customize your approach and deliver the right message to the right people.

Retarget Your In-Store Shoppers

In transient places like shopping centers, retail shops often witness customers passing by, looking around, but also leaving without buying anything. Retargeting gives you an opportunity to reengage shoppers and influence them to make a purchase.

One common retargeting strategy is leveraging push notifications to reach audiences within the proximity of a shop. By offering promos and discounts while they are in-store, you can impact their purchasing decisions then and there.

Attract New Customers through Social Proof

You now know that a shopper’s purchasing decisions are heavily influenced by what they see on social media. So what better way to leverage that than to use them as social proof! User-generated content let’s consumers see what other shoppers have to say about your mall and can help foster a sense of trust that motivates them to visit and make a purchase.

Through social media advertising, you can maximize user-generated content to attract new customers, establish a positive reputation, and provide value to both first-time and frequent visitors.

Placewise Social Media and Digital Advertising Services

Placewise’s social media advertising solutions for shopping malls make use of real, valuable data to help you get noticed, nurture your relationships with your customers, compete in a digital-first landscape, and increase your revenue.

We offer services on:

● Social media advertising

● Display advertising

● Retargeting

● New movers

● Keywords & SEM

● Facebook Bridge

● And more.

Let’s talk more about how we can add value to your shopping center.

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Social Media for Shopping Centers