Holiday 2020: A Gap Year For Santa?

Jul 14, 2020

Holiday 2020: A Gap Year For Santa?

It’s July and if you’re in the shopping center business, that means it’s time to talk Santa! With COVID-19 wreaking havoc across the retail world, it has all shopping centers asking what the Santa experience will look like in 2020.

We’re talking to a few key people in the industry and are happy to share these conversations from our Retail Therapy podcast. We’re calling it the Holiday 2020 Series - short podcast interviews with industry leaders about their take on what the holiday season holds for the industry in 2020.

First stop is John Carter and Evan Wadsworth from Parker 3D, an award-winning creator of high impact interactive experiences.  

And while the elves at Parker 3D have been busy with story lines and alternatives for Santa 2020, we learned that there are generally four perspectives out in shopping center land.

  1. Head in the sand. Yup, we’ve all been here and some of us still are. That’s okay, because no one has been down this path before.
  2. Let’s step outside. Some centers are moving holiday events or extravaganzas outdoors to parking lots or exterior venues.
  3. Let’s get digital. Replacing the traditional Santa with a digital experience this year.
  4. Safe Santa. Diehards are seeking ways to maintain a traditional Santa experience in a way that is safe for the kids and Santa himself.

Nothing is final and as we all know, things will change between now and November. Hear what Parker 3D has been seeing and how they are moving into this very unique holiday season.

Listen to the full podcast here.

Download the pdf here:
Holiday 2020: A Gap Year For Santa?